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Panasonic Nubo

Brand Identity


Introducing Panasonic's new generation of smart cameras (Internet-of-things) at the Mobile World Congress.

Branding assets

•  Brand message

•  Logotype

•  Typeface design

•  Colour Palette

•  Visual ornaments


Promoting the most innovative side of its mother brand ‘Panasonic’ by using a brand image that resembles the Startup spirit.

My Contribution

Creative Strategy • Art Direction • Copywriting • Graphic Design • Photography

Brand Message

We are always able to imagine the best scenario, but we tend to think about the worst, wasting our energy on being concerned.


The truth is that our imagination is certainly not certain. Therefore, our state of mind should not rely on something that might not be happening at all.

At Nubo, we believe that people should focus on the things that truly matter, independently of where we are or what we are doing.


We have enabled our users to forget about what was holding them back to freely move forward.

Logotype design

Panasonic Nubo is a location free Cloud-Based device, thus its logotype had to be a visual reminder of those concepts. 


The simplicity of a Sans Serif typeface combined with the usage of ligatures, small cuts in the curvilinear silhouettes and subtle gradients help to emphasize the idea of being present in two places at the same time in a fluid way.

Typeface Design

How could we bring the branding details to another level? By creating a tailor-made typeface design.


The cutouts are a clear reminder of Nubo’s logotype, which allows the brand to showcase content without the need of using the logo, giving it an advantage since it doesn’t produce the common advertising rejection in the audience.

Visual ornaments

To establish a trustworthy brand image we integrated the logo cutouts into the illustrations and backgrounds which leads to a very cohesive appearance. 

Bye-bye banks of images!

Colour Palette

Most security companies use blue as their main branding colour.


To differentiate Nubo from the competitors yet maintaining the sense of stability, harmony, security and protection associated with blue, we have chosen an elegant purple palette that provides a warm witty twist.

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